
74 Art Reviews w/ Response

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Dude fuck yeah. Those mini assassin ladies in hl1 never get enough love this is awesome

lart173 responds:

Indeed! We must focus more on them XD

All my black rage homies hate Ka'Bandha fuck that bloodthirster up 😤😤

Notna1907 responds:

also, might be Horus in disguise

Absolutely despise the big boy wormface that sprays liquid death around.

This is beautiful though, feels like a tapestry. Gorgeous colors too, such a comforting Autumn day in the lands between.

Pammeenevaeh responds:

despite dying a few times from deathblight vomit in that boss fight, I think these guys are weirdly cute. I remember coming across the one that's mourning over a grave and being like "aw poor thing" lol. They fit perfectly with the eerie yet beautiful atmosphere of the forest you encounter them in.

*SNATCH* Nah youre mobile for a reason, this aint bye we're running off together >:)

Onimiere responds:

Gmod... come back please . don't be a controller hog

Huge fan of the Metroid kick youre on rn

DoctorSpectre responds:

Glad to hear it! I live and breath metroid lol

The true Iggy. Whatever Iggy died was not the real one, no one knows this, they hide the TRUTH.

AutoHoney responds:


these FUCK so hard holy shit. The top down perspective of that fox(y) demon is awesome. Shit is RAW.

VWAR responds:

Glad you likey mah stuff >:3 and that fox demon dude is my own sppin on renard you should go check out their music if you are into breakcore!

I would steal this from my local target. Stuff it in the backpack with MTG packs

Wulfwynne responds:

the right and moral choice!!!

The united kobold tribes of Krussia WILL will win this war goddamit

GooBone responds:

They're putting up a real fight!

The colors came out great!

Nothing to say that magically makes things look brighter, but like you said, one day at a time. It'll come.

Siegfried1298 responds:

oh thank you! I'm really happy with how they came out as well ^^

and it will, just gotta do like a fish and "just keep swimming" till it dose lol

I hate minors!!!!!! Its adult swim time, all kids outta the fuckin pool. 🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞
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